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OFF Partners Program

if you are a producer\investment manager\pr-manager etc and you strive to find the best company and the best soulmate team to make your craziest projects happen, well, we have something for you.


OFF Laboratory launched a unique partnership program for specialists in different art departments (the priority is for filmmaking, music, book publishing).


in other words, sometimes we start too many projects to provide them with the same powers. it is not easy to find so many people that are one hundred percent get what our goal is.. not everyone shares our artistic (in some ways) innovative methods. so this project is for connecting such people with us! so hit us with a dm. we got some great projects for you to work with!

here are few of them already in progress:

Basmala: about the impact of the Quran on the Western world (read more from pdf)

the POETS series: A Song for M (read more from pdf)

the POETS series: About Eugene Malaniuk

the POETS series: About Emma Andievska

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